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Everyone's A Winner Campaign - Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions of The Store Everyone’s A Winner Campaign


  • The promoter of The Store Everyone’s A Winner campaign is: P. CUTAJAR & CO. LTD. (referred to as P. CUTAJAR hereafter) registered in Malta under number C 293 with its office situated at Capital Business Centre, Triq taz-Zwejt, Industrial Estate, San Gwann, Malta;


  • ·The Store Everyone’s A Winner campaign starts on 1st July 2023 and closes on 31st August 2023.


  • ·The Store Everyone’s A Winner campaign is made up of discount vouchers of €5, €10, €20 and €500 on all items exclusively redeemable from  The Store, 21/23, Msida Road, Gzira.


  • ·The discount vouchers can be redeemed only at The Store, 21/23, Msida Road, Gzira.


  • ·The Store Everyone’s A Winner envelope needs to be presented within the time frame of 1st July and 31st August 2023. Any envelopes brought in after these dates will not be valid. 


  • ·Participants need to bring The Store Everyone’s A Winner envelope to The Store, 21/23, Msida Road, Gzira, where the sales representative will open the envelope in front of the participant. Open or tampered envelopes will not be valid.


  • ·No other person other than the sales representative can open The Store Everyone’s A Winner envelopes. If the envelope is opened by anyone else it is not valid.


  • ·There is no entry fee necessary to redeem The Store Everyone’s A Winner envelopes.


  • ·By redeeming The Store Everyone’s A Winner envelopes, you agree that P. Cutajar can use your email address to send product updates. You can unsubscribe at your own convenience.


  • ·No responsibility can be accepted by P. Cutajar for envelopes that are not in the correct condition. If the envelope is mishandled in any way, as well as any information contradictory with the present terms and conditions, or received after the dates mentioned, these envelopes will not be taken into account for the purpose of participation in The Store Everyone’s A Winner campaign (at the absolute discretion of P. Cutajar).


  • ·The Store Everyone’s A Winner envelopes are being sent to different locations around Malta. These envelopes are open to every physical person resident of Malta aged 18 years or over, except the employees of P. Cutajar or their family members or anyone else connected in any way with The Store Everyone’s A Winner campaign. If requested to do so, participants must provide proof of their age.


  • ·Participants must provide personal details as reasonably requested to do so by P. Cutajar. Refusal to comply will result in not being able to redeem The Store Everyone’s A Winner envelope. Participants’ personal details (full name, e-mail address and date of birth) will be treated in confidence by P. Cutajar and in accordance with data protection legislation and only saved in connection with The Store Everyone’s A Winner campaign. Participants expressly agree that the personal details they provide may be saved by P. Cutajar for the operation and implementation of this campaign.


  • P. Cutajar reserves the right to exclude from entry any individuals who gain advantage by manipulation or who infringe the entry terms and conditions in any other way. In such cases, the discount can also be denied retrospectively. P. Cutajar reserves the right to suspend or cancel The Store Everyone’s A Winner campaign if its orderly running can no longer be guaranteed for certain reasons.


  • ·P. Cutajar cannot be held responsible if, for whichever reason independent from its will, or considering the circumstances, The Store Everyone’s A Winner must be shortened, prolonged, postponed, modified or cancelled.


  • ·P. Cutajar retains the right to cancel/change the terms of this The Store Everyone’s A Winner campaign or any promotion without prior notice and without any reasons being given. Should individual clauses of the entry terms and conditions be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining entry terms and conditions shall remain unaffected.


  • ·In the event of early termination of The Store Everyone’s A Winner campaign, P. Cutajar may, in its sole and absolute discretion, elect not to award any vouchers in respect of the terminated competition.


  • ·Voucher prizes are as described and cannot be substituted for cash. Prizes are not transferable.


  • ·All of P. Cutajar’s decisions in respect of all matters to do with The Store Everyone’s A Winner are final and no correspondence will be entered into.


  • ·P. Cutajar shall not be liable to perform any of its obligations under The Store Everyone’s A Winner campaign or in respect of the vouchers where it is unable to do so as a result of circumstances beyond its control and shall not be liable to compensate participants in such circumstances.


  • ·Participants shall fully indemnify and hold P. Cutajar harmless against all demands (including legal and other professional fees and expenses) which P. Cutajar may suffer arising from or in connection with a participant’s participation in The Store Everyone’s A Winner campaign, except where this is the result of negligence on the part of P. Cutajar.


  • ·The Store Everyone’s A Winner campaign and these terms and conditions will be governed by Maltese law and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malta.


  • ·By redeeming The Store Everyone’s A Winner envelope, an entrant is indicating his/her agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.